

4. Channels

Now we're connected to the server it's time to go to the right channel and get the required fills. If you need to go to a channel of a group you already know where to go to. Just type in the Status window /join #<channelname> for example: '/join #ccs-central' and it then opens the channel. Other groups require a key. #Animempeg (http://animempeg.mushhaven.net/) uses this at the moment. Here you have to type /join #animempeg <key> and at the now this is: '/join #animempeg spamless'. Since this can change make sure to read their site.

If you have to go to a person, but don't know on which channel(s) he/she is you have to type /whois <nickname> in the Status window. For example: '/whois snoopynme'. This gives a summary of info on that person and a list of which channel(s) he/she is on at the moment. Just double click on any of those channelname(s) and the channel will open. Of course you can also use the /join method.

The channel

After you're in the channel make sure to read the topic (first few lines when you join). It usually includes some useful info. Just like anywhere on the net make sure you use the proper netiquette. You can get kicked out of a channel and even be banned from its use in the future. Therefore it's always wise to read the rules of a channel be typing '!rules' in the channel window. If available this will display a list of guidelines for this channel. Make sure to obey them if you don't want to get kicked out. On the right is the list of users currently in this channel. There can be a few signs in front of the names. You can find what they mean in the mIRC helpfile or on IRCHelp. The one thing to remember at this time is that the people with a '@' before there name are the operators of this channel. Piss any of these people off and they will kick you. Of course you can always ask these people for help if you need it. Just remember that they might not be here at the moment, so don't repeat the question over and over if they don't seem to respond. Always try to remain polite...

It is possible to get kicked or banned for no apparent reason. This usually indicates that there have been a lot of problems with the domain you're using or just because the ops think the channel is too full at that time. If this is the case then try again at a later time as you might be able to get in then.

After you've read the rules it's time to get a list of the so-called FServe's (fileservers). These are the place where you can get your file(s). The command for this is '!list' or '!servers'. This displays a list with a lot of info about the Fserve's available at the moment. Just look for anything with the name fills in it, since this will probably be the one you're searching for. To connect to such a server you must use the trigger to activate said FServe. This usually is a command with a '!' in front of it. Just type the trigger in the channel line and a dialog will appear for a 'DCC chat'. You need to press 'Accept' here. It's also possible that a trigger is in the form of /CTCP <name> <trigger> the procedure for this is the same. Just type this line in the channel window and a similar dialog will appear.