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Newbie Advice Guidelines

12. Combine requests for part fills for a given episode into one message

This is not a major issue, but is still worth serious consideration...

Don't make multiple message, single episode fill requests along the lines of:

Req - Kierkegaard Peals Potatos ep 23 part12.rar
Req - Kierkegaard Peals Potatos ep 23 part13.rar
Req - Kierkegaard Peals Potatos ep 23 part14.rar
Req - Kierkegaard Peals Potatos ep 23 part22.rar
Req - Kierkegaard Peals Potatos ep 23 part33.rar
Req - Kierkegaard Peals Potatos ep 23 part45.rar

Instead try something like:

Req - need fills for Kierkegaard Peals Potatos ep 23 parts 12-14,22,33,45

First, your request will look less like v-spam, which most long-timers have habituated themselves into ignoring out-of-hand.

Second, combining your requests will let the poster (or whoever might be doing fills for them) better track who needs what. And anything that eases that burden is by definition *good*.

Contribute A Note For This Section - 12. Combine requests for part fills for a given episode into one message
If you have additional information you would like to share that corrects, clarifies, or expands on the information above, please submit it here. This is not the proper place to ask technical support questions you may have. Please see the discussion forum if you are seeking help.
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